Parent Information


In an attempt to help novice families become more comfortable and less overwhelmed with the upcoming crew season, we are offering a parent orientation session next Saturday, March 5.  The rowers have to be down at the boathouse for practice from 9-11AM.  We will have vans down there waiting to take parents on a local tour of the area that would include the ins and outs of Boathouse Row, Kelly Drive, location of the Shipley tent, alternate parking sites, as well as supplying useful information regarding parking passes, food drop off, tent setup, alternate routes when Kelly Drive is closed for regattas, etc.
We will plan on meeting outside the boathouse at 9AM and go from there.  It shouldn't take longer than an hour.  In order to make sure we have enough seating, please contact me if you are interested.  Although this is not mandatory by any means, it should hopefully be helpful for anyone new to the sport.
Here's to a great season ahead. 
Alix and Jim Markee (Parents of Yardley '11)

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